![The FTC in Courts and Congress: Here Comes Trouble? [Part 1]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f303057191d634553dc0725/1715882638645-R77F6RA3MW58CILYT6C0/7.13+Antitrust+Panel+YouTube+Thumbnail+%281920+%C3%97+1080+px%29.png)
The FTC in Courts and Congress: Here Comes Trouble? [Part 1]
This is the first panel of a two-part discussion on the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in both the courts and in Congress, examining potential constitutional challenges, congressional oversight, and legislative priorities.
![The FTC in Courts and Congress: Here Comes Trouble? [Part 2]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f303057191d634553dc0725/1715882955795-HOJ4O548LVD3W0YG2BO0/Panel+2+7.13+Antitrust+Panel+YouTube+Thumbnail+%281920+%C3%97+1080+px%29.png)
The FTC in Courts and Congress: Here Comes Trouble? [Part 2]
This is the second panel of a two-part discussion on the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in both the courts and in Congress, examining potential constitutional challenges, congressional oversight, and legislative priorities.

ColemanNation Podcast: The Biggest Monopoly

Congressional Briefing on Antitrust Enforcement: What If? Consequences of Proposed Antitrust Legislation
Experts will discuss the consequences of current proposals, including how they would play out from an enforcement perspective, and why certain proposals are an affront to the rule of law.

Upcoming Event: Antitrust and the Rule of Law: Past, Present, and Future
This event will feature two panel discussions with experts on key issues in antitrust law, followed by a reception for attendees.

The National Security Implications of Antitrust: An Introduction

Antitrust and Big Tech: Does New Technology Call for New Rules?
Recently, Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) introduced a bill that would overhaul the past forty-five years of antitrust law by rewriting legal standards, changing guidelines for mergers, and expanding the government’s civil penalty authority. Additionally, the House Judiciary Committee conducted its own investigation and released a report on competition in the digital market.