Congressional Briefing on Antitrust Enforcement: What If? Consequences of Proposed Antitrust Legislation
Experts will discuss the consequences of current proposals, including how they would play out from an enforcement perspective, and why certain proposals are an affront to the rule of law.

Alliance on Antitrust November Update
The last few weeks have been eventful for the Alliance on Antitrust and our allies. From the release of the House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Antitrust, Commercial and Administrative Law’s report, to our statement in response, we have been busy making the case for the consumer welfare standard and for why antitrust law should not be politicized. Alliance members and friends have been highly engaged in the fight. And our coalition is expanding. Three groups recently joined the Alliance on Antitrust. We are thrilled to welcome the Independence Institute, Mountain States Legal Foundation and the Market Institute.

Coalition Update: New Members and Recent Content
We would like to announce the addition of our three newest members: The American Conservative Union, Goldwater Institute, and Consumer Choice Center. Each of these members issued a brief statement.